Sunday, June 16, 2019

Clarifying some of my Youtube videos

Since I created my Youtube channel I’ve been learning how people view my videos and how I communicate my thoughts. Overall the responses I’ve been getting are positive and encouraging! However, I have found out that some people are missing the point of my videos because they don’t like the setup before the key point. I know this because of the analytics show me when people leave my videos. Yeah I have a lot to learn about communicating better, but people could be a bit more patient too. Their fears could be eased if they watched my videos in their entirety. Ideally it would be nice if people would leave more feedback since I’d like to have conversations with people about these topics.

In my latest video about entertainment, the key point is, LET’S MAKE QUALITY CHRISTIAN CONTENT THAT NON-BELIEVERS GOTTA HAVE! But when people hear my setup they think I’m being judgmental about their own movie libraries and miss the point. *sigh*

In my video about genres, I forgot to say that we should ALSO make movies set in biblical times, not just sci-fi, fantasy or westerns. I think we can apply genres like action, suspense, or thriller to a Bible story set in biblical times. The goal is to make Bible stories feel more cinematic and inviting for our audiences.

Finally, this one is VERY IMPORTANT. I called my first video Age Restricted because we have been restricting ourselves to a very specific age range. I believe animation is not solely for toddlers. Also Christian animation could be designed to target nonbelievers. You know, EVANGELIZE!! We are missionaries leading people to Jesus. THIS IS IN STARK CONTRAST TO THE TYPICAL VIEW OF CHRISTIAN ANIMATION. Traditionally our thinking has been to PROTECT PROTECT PROTECT. Our thinking has been very inward focused and I don’t see how that fulfills the great commission. Yes, we definitely should protect little children and keep making animation for them, but when they grow up, there is zero Christian animated feature length movies for young adults. My goal is to EXPAND OUR AUDIENCE.

THE POINT OF MY BLOG AND YOUTUBE CHANNEL is to unite believers to make Bible stories into great CG movies without watering down our source material and ultimately glorify Jesus.

If there's something I said that you don’t like or feel confused, please talk with me about it or ask me questions. Sometimes I just need to explain my thoughts more.

Thanks for reading this and please share your thoughts!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Tom, I remember seeing your video and blog a while ago. How your you doing with you mission to unite animation believers?

    My e-mailis

    1. Hi Michael, thanks for writing me. I intended to connect with people visit several churches locally but my goals for this year were completely derailed by the pandemic. I still want to unite Christians to make quality animated stories. I've been taking this year to rethink how I can take more practical steps towards my goals.
      How about yourself? How is your work/ministry?
