Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Welcome to animationministry.com

Come check out my website! Animationministry.com is live! Bookmark the link and be sure to visit as I will be updating with more information!

PLEASE SHARE animationministry.com with your friends. This is a new ministry and I cannot do this alone! Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

The welcome page explains what the ministry is, the problem, the solution and why it's so important! You can go directly to the welcome page by clicking the link below!

Click here-->WELCOME!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

More to come!


Two years ago I stopped posting on my blog and on YouTube. At the time it didn't feel right to keep posting. During this time I refocused my thoughts and goals. Over the next few days I will show you what I have been working on. But for now, I give you my new logo!

Animation ministry is a culmination of all my thoughts on Christian animated storytelling. My vision for this ministry is becoming clearer and clearer.

You may have some questions about the logo, so read on to find out more!

Why is it so dark?

  • As Christians we are called to go into all of the world and introduce people to the light of Jesus. Also the dark tone is a signal that Animation Ministry is not for little children.

Why is it called Animation Ministry?

  • I believe in challenging our understanding of what animation can be as well as who we minister to.

Why use a weathered, old rock texture?

  • Because God is our rock, he is faithful and loving to us even at our worst. 

More information is .coming soon!